Dhammapada Part III
Even the chariot of a king loses its glitter in the course of time; so too the body loses its health and strength. But goodness does not grow old with the passage of time. (151) A man who does not learn from his life grows old like an ox: his body grows, but not his wisdom. (152)
I have gone through many rounds of birth and death, looking in vain for the builder of this body. Heavy indeed is birth and death again and again! (153) But now I have seen you, house builder; you shall not build this house again. Its beams are broken; its dome is shattered: self-will is extinguished; nirvana is attained. (154)
Those who have not practiced spiritual disciplines in their youth pine away like old cranes in a lake without fish. (155) Like worn-out bows they lie in old age, sighing over the past. (156)
Learn what is right; then teach others, as the wise do. (158)
The evil done by the selfish crushes them as a diamond breaks a hard gem. (161) As a vine overpowers a tree, evil overpowers those who do evil, trapping them in a situation that only their enemies would wish them to be in. (162) Evil deeds, which harm the doer, are easy to do; good deeds are not so easy. (163)
Foolish people who scoff at the teachings of the wise, the noble, and the good, following false doctrines, bring about their own downfall like the khattaka tree, which dies after bearing fruit. (164)
By oneself evil is done; by oneself one is injured. Do not do evil, and suffering will not come. Everyone has the choice to be pure or impure. No one can purify another. (165)
Do not neglect your own duty for another, however great. Know your own duty and perform it. (166)
Do not follow wrong laws; do not be thoughtless; do not believe false doctrines. Do not follow the way of the world. (167)
Wake up. Do not be lazy. Follow the right path, avoid the wrong. (168) You will be happy here as well as hereafter. (169)
Look on the world as a bubble; look on it as a mirage. Then the King of Death cannot even see you. (170) Come look at this world. Is it not like a painted royal chariot? The wise see through it, but not the immature. (171)
When those who are foolish become wise, they give light to the world like the full moon breaking through the clouds. (172) When their good deeds overcome the bad, they give light to the worlds like the moon breaking free from behind the clouds. (173)
In this dark world, few can see. Like birds that free themselves from the net, only a few find their way to heaven. (174) Swans fly on the path of the sun by their wonderful power; the wise rise above the world, after conquering Mara (i.e., adversary/tempter) and his train. (174)
Avoid all evil, cultivate the good, purify your mind. (183)
Cultivate the patience that endures. Do not oppress others or cause them pain. (184)
Do not find fault with others, do not injure others, but live in accordance with the dharma (i.e., law, unity of life, the Way). Be moderate in eating and sleeping, and meditate on the highest. (185)
They are wise who know that passions are passing and bring pain in their wake. (186)
Let us live in joy, never hating those who hate us. Let us live in freedom, without hatred even among those who hate. (197)
Let us live in joy, never falling sick like those who are sick. Let us live in freedom, without disease even among those who are ill. (198)
Let us live in joy, never attached among those who are selfishly attached. Let us live in freedom even among those who are bound by selfish attachments. (199)
Let us live in joy, never hoarding things among those who hoard. Let us live in growing joy like the bright gods. (200)
Conquest breeds hatred, for the conquered live in sorrow. Let us neither be conqueror nor conquered, and live in peace and joy. (201)
There is no fire like lust, no sickness like hatred, nor sorrow like separateness, no joy like peace. (202) No disease is worse than greed, no suffering worse than selfish passion. (203)
It is good to meet the wise, even better to live with them. But avoid the company of the immature if you want joy. (206)
Keeping company with the immature is like going on a long journey with an enemy. The company of the wise is joyful, like reunion with one's family. (207) Therefore, live among the wise, who are understanding, patient, responsible, and noble. Keep their company as the moon moves among the stars. (208)
Do not get selfishly attached to anything, for trying to hold on to it will bring you pain. When you have neither likes nor dislikes, you will be free. (211)
Selfish attachment brings suffering; selfish attachment brings fear. Be detached, and you will be free from suffering and fear. (212)
Selfish desires give rise to anxiety; selfish desires give rise to fear. Be unselfish, and you will be free from anxiety and fear. (215)
Cravings bring pain; cravings bring fear. Do not yield to cravings, and you will be free from pain and fear. (216)
Those who have character and discrimination, who are honest and good and follow the dharma (i.e., law, unity of life, the Way) with devotion, win the respect of all the world. (217)
If you long to know what is hard to know and can resist the temptations of the world, you will cross the river of life. (218)
As your family and friends receive you with joy when you return from a long journey; so will your good deeds receive you when you go from this life to the next, where thy will be waiting for you with joy like your kinsmen. (219)
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